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Student Members

AHE views students with an interest in healthcare leadership as the future of service to Arizona. We are working to create experiential opportunities for students to broaden their view of the industry and the leadership we will need to meet our industry’s mission.

  • We are developing on an Online Journal Club
  • We have active relationships with Arizona State University, University of Arizona, Northern Arizona University, Grand Canyon University.

If you have an interest – please use our Contact Form.

Female doctor shaking a hand in her office

Early Careerists and Grand Canyon University

AHE’s Early Careerist Network committee partnered with the Grand Canyon University’s College of Nursing and Healthcare Professions to host an in person panel event centered on the Talent Landscape and how companies need to improve their staffing/recruiting strategies. Panelists hailed from HonorHealth, EARN, and Employ Bridge specifically in departments and roles that deal with talent acquisition processes. 60 students attended, many from the Future Healthcare Administrators club, and there was interest and discussions about how we could continue these types of events in the future.

Historic Student Event in Northern AZ

AHE’s Early Careerist Network committee partnered with Northern Arizona University’s Business School Pathways Program to host a virtual panel event centered on the Future of Healthcare and what college students can do to prepare themselves for what’s coming. Panelists hailed from the Mayo Clinic, HonorHealth and Mercy Care in departments ranging from Information technology to strategy and digital transformation to workforce development. All in all, 109 students from various NAU programs and colleges listened in, making this the most successful event the ECN committee has hosted over the last several years.